Some words about us

We Help Everyone Enjoy Amazing Products

At Ricoel, we believe that innovation and technology should be accessible to everyone, including motorcycle and vehicle riders. That's why we've developed cutting-edge products that bring the convenience and safety of Apple CarPlay and Android Auto to your motorcycle or vehicle.



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Brooklyn Simmons


Words about us

Our Team

Convallis ullamcorper aliquet ultrices orci cum vestibulum lobortis erat

Jane Cooper

President of Sales

Jacob Jones

Sales Analyst

Kristin Watson

Market Development

Darlene Robertson

Sales Analyst
Buyers trust us

Our Strategy Is To Provide Our Customers With Quality Products

At Ricoel, we're not just selling products - we're providing solutions to common problems faced by motorcycle and vehicle riders. We're passionate aboutmaking the roads safer for everyone, and we believe that technology can play a crucial role in achieving this goal. In addition to our car and motorcycle connectivity solutions, we also offer Navigator for All Makes and Model vehicles/motorcycle. Our navigation system is designed to work seamlessly with our Apple CarPlay and Android Auto products, providing riders and drivers with turn-by-turn directions and real-time traffic updates.

Whether you're on a motorcycle or in a vehicle, we've got you covered with our innovative products. At Ricoel, we're committed to providing you with the best possible experience on the road, no matter what you ride or drive. Join us on our journey to revolutionize motorcycle and vehicle safety and make the roads a safer place for everyone.